Acupuncture Raleigh, NC: An Ancient Practice Verified by Modern Research
Did you know that hospitals in major metropolitan areas across the country — including UNC Memorial Hospital and Duke Integrative Medicine — are offering acupuncture treatments as part of their approach to integrative health care?
Practiced for several thousand years in Asia, acupuncture is now commonly used in the U.S. to help relieve musculoskeletal pain. The World Health Organization recommends acupuncture for treating many conditions, including those listed below, without side effects:
- Relieving postoperative pain
- Nausea during pregnancy
- Nausea and vomiting resulting from chemotherapy
- Dental pain
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Essential Hypertension
- Stroke
- Acute and Chronic Gastritis
- Anxiety
- Panic disorders
- Insomnia
- Addiction
- Depression
How Acupuncture Works

Dr. Mitchell places needles in the hands of a patient to resolve his pain.
The root cause of musculoskeletal pain and many chronic illnesses may be blockages in energetic pathways called meridians. Dr. Mitchell performs an assessment of the twelve primary acupuncture meridians by measuring electrical conductivity at various key points. Data generated in this manner has a high degree of accuracy and reliability. A computer-generated analysis offers the patient a clear visual picture of the underlying cause of health problems as well as a recommended treatment plan to restore balance. Treatment occurs by stimulating points along these pathways to open up the flow of vital life force call Qi (pronounced chee).
A course of acupuncture treatments at Mitchell Chiropractic Healing Center is tailored to the individual using the following acupuncture modalities:
- Acupuncture without needles: Dr. Mitchell uses electronic probes to diagnose the body’s imbalances as well as to treat the patient with imperceptible electrical current
- Electro-acupuncture (acupuncture without needles using completely painless electrical microcurrent)
- Traditional acupuncture with needle application
- Auriculotherapy, a specialized form of acupuncture treating points in the ear

Acupuncture without needles: Dr. Mitchell uses electronic probes to diagnose the body’s imbalances as well as to treat the patient.